

发布时间:2016-06-28 作者: 点击量:16933

陈旭 博士  助理教授


       20209月博士毕业于澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学数字媒体研究中心。攻读博士期间获国家留学基金委公派资助48个月,以及CSC Top-up Scholarship、昆士兰科技大学Grant-In-Aid Scholarship、澳新文化研究会议旅行津贴等多项基金。在国际传播学会(ICA)、全球互联网研究协会(AoIR)、国际文化研究协会(ACS)和澳新文化研究协会(CSAA)等具有影响力的国际会议上宣讲论文13篇。多篇中英文论文发表在高质量的学术期刊上,谷歌学术显示已有200次引用(截至20229月数据)。研究兴趣主要集中在数字文化,平台研究和数字民族志。




*高艺, 吴梦瑶, 陈旭, & 孙萍. (2022). “可见性”何以成为生意?——交友类App会员制的监视可供性研究. 《国际新闻界》, 44(01), 137155. (通讯作者)


* Chen, X. (2021). Between ‘homeland’ and ‘the local’: The shared cultural imaginary of Tantan among Chinese communities in Australia. Media International Australia. 陈旭:《“家乡”与“本地”之间:澳洲华人社区关于探探的共同文化想象》,发表于期刊Media International Australia(SSCI)


*Kaye, D. B. V., Chen, X., & Zeng, J. (2021). The co-evolution of two Chinese mobile short video apps: Parallel Platformization of Douyin and TikTok. Mobile Media & Communication. Bondy Kaye陈旭,曾靖:《两个中国短视频App的共同演化:抖音和TikTok的并行平台化》,发表于期刊Mobile Media & Communication(SSCI, 通讯作者)


*Li, H., & Chen, X. (2021). From “Oh, you’re Chinese . . . ” to “No bats, thx!”: Racialized Experiences of Australian-Based Chinese Queer Women in the Mobile Dating Context. Social Media + Society.(李海力,陈旭:《从“哦,你是中国人”到“不要蝙蝠,谢谢!”:移动约会语境下在澳华人酷儿女性的种族化经历》,发表于期刊Social Media + Society(SSCI一区, 通讯作者)


*Chen, X., & Liu, T. (2019). On ‘never right-swipe whites’ and ‘only date whites’: Gendered and racialised digital dating experiences of the Australian Chinese diaspora. Information, Communication & Society. 陈旭,刘亭亭:《论“从不滑白人”与“只约会白人”:在澳华人性别化与种族化的数字约会经历》,发表于期刊Information, Communication & Society(SSCI一区)




* 福建省社科博士扶持项目《短视频传播下福建乡村旅游建设路径研究》,课题负责人,2022-2024


* 中央高校基本科研业务费项目《平台化理论视域下的中西数字平台比较研究》课题负责人,2021-2024


* 中国侨联《社交媒体时代澳大利亚华人文化身份认同建构模式研究》,课题参与者,2019-2021.


Dr. Xu Chen is Assistant Professor at the School of Journalism and Communication, Xiamen University. He achieved his doctoral degree at the Digital Media Research Centre (DMRC), Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in 2020, and then joined Xiamen University in the same year. During his PhD studies in QUT, he used to work as sessional academic and research assistant. His research interests include platform studies, digital culture, and race, ethnicity and sexuality. Recent publications include peer-review journal articles on Information, Communication & Society, Mobile Media & Communication, Social Media + Society and Chinese Journal of Communication.

